Proven Benefits Of Red Light Therapy – Increase Testosterone


Throughout history, the essence of a man has been linked to his primary male hormone testosterone. At around the age of 30, testosterone levels begin to decline and this can result in a number of negative changes to his physical health and wellbeing: reduced sexual function, low energy levels, reduced muscle mass and increased fat, among others.

Compound this with the endless environmental contaminants, stress and poor nutrition that is so common in most of our lives and it’s no surprise that we are seeing an epidemic of low testosterone in men the world over.

In 2013, a group of Korean researchers studied the impact of testicular exposure to red (670nm) and infrared (808nm) laser light.

The scientists split up 30 male rats into three groups: a control group and two groups that were exposed to either the red or infrared light. At the end of the 5-day trial where rats were exposed to one 30-minute treatment a day, the control group saw no increase in testosterone and testosterone levels in both the red- and infrared-exposed rats were found to be elevated significantly:

“…Serum T level was significantly increased in the 808nm wavelength group. In the 670 nm wavelength group, serum T level was also significantly increased the testosterone levels at the same intensity of 360 J/cm2/day.”

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