Red Light Therapy Beds A Beginner’s Guide


The use of light treatments like red light therapy beds to aid healing has been employed in a variety of forms since the late 1800s. In 1896, Danish physician Niels Rhyberg Finsen developed the first light therapy for a particular type of skin tuberculosis as well as smallpox.

Then, red light therapy (RLT) was used in the 1990s to help scientists grow plants in outer space. Researchers found that intense light emitted by red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) helped promote plant growth as well as photosynthesis. After this discovery, red light was studied for its potential application in medicine, specifically to see if red light therapy could increase energy inside human cells. Scientists hoped that red light could be an effective way to treat the muscle atrophy– muscle deterioration due to lack of movement whether due to injury or lack of physical activity– as well as to slow wound healing and help with bone density issues caused by weightlessness during space travel.

Researchers have since found many used for red light therapy. Stretch marks and wrinkles are said to be reduced by red light beds found at beauty salons. Red light therapy used in a medical office may be utilized to treat psoriasis, slow-healing wounds, and even some of the side effects of chemotherapy.
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What Does a Red Light Therapy Bed do?
Red light therapy is a natural treatment that utilizes near-infrared light. This technique has numerous advantages, including decreased stress, increased energy, and enhanced focus, as well as a good night’s sleep. Red light therapy beds are similar to tanning beds when it comes to appearance, although red light therapy beds don’t include harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Is Red Light Therapy Safe?
There is no evidence that using red light therapy is harmful, at least when used for a short time and in accordance with the instructions. It is non-toxic, non-invasive, and non-harsh compared to some topical skin treatments. While UV light from the sun or a tanning booth is accountable for cancer, this type of light is not utilized in RLT treatments. It is also not harmful. In the event that products are misused, for example, used too frequently or not in accordance with the directions, your skin or eyes might be damaged. This is why it is essential to undergo red light therapy at a qualified and licensed facility with trained clinicians.

How Often Should You Use a Red Light Therapy Bed?
For many reasons, red light therapy has increased in popularity considerably over the past few years. But what are some common guidelines for home treatment?

What is a good place to start?
For starters, we recommend using red light therapy three to five times per week for 10 to 20 minutes. Additionally, always seek the consultation of a doctor or dermatologist before starting RLT, especially if you have sensitive skin.

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